Rajdhani Arhar Dal (Toor Dal) is a high-quality, premium lentil that is a staple in Indian kitchens. Known for its rich protein content and mild flavor, this dal is commonly used to prepare a variety of dishes like dal tadka, sambar, or soups. Rajdhani Arhar Dal is carefully sourced and processed to ensure it retains its natural taste and nutritional value. It is easy to cook, and once prepared, it adds a hearty and nutritious base to your meals. A great source of protein, fiber, and essential nutrients, Rajdhani Arhar Dal is perfect for anyone looking to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
Key Features:
High-quality Toor Dal (Arhar Dal)
Rich in protein, fiber, and essential nutrients
Perfect for making dal, soups, or sambar
Mild flavor that complements a variety of Indian dishes
Easy to cook and ideal for everyday meals
Packed in a 1Kg convenient pack
How to Use:
Rinse the Rajdhani Arhar Dal thoroughly under water to remove any impurities.
Cook the dal in a pressure cooker or pot with water and a pinch of salt.
Once cooked, temper the dal with ghee, cumin, garlic, or your choice of spices for added flavor.
Serve with rice, roti, or use in sambar and other dishes.
Store the dal in a cool, dry place to maintain its freshness and shelf life.